A.E.Ministry | - Atomic Energy Ministry of Russia |
ASG | - Academy of Sciences of Georgia, Tbilisi |
BINP SD RAS | - Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics of RAS Siberian Division |
FIAN | - Lebedev Physical Institute of RAS |
IKFIA | - Institute of Cosmophysical Research and Aeronomics Siberian Division of RAS, Yakutsk |
IHEP | - Institute for High Energy Physics of Minatom RF |
INR RAS | - Institute for Nuclear Research of RAS |
ITEP | - Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Physics of Minatom
RF (also under auspice of RAS) |
ITP | - Landau Institute for Theoretical Physics of Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow |
JINR | - Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (International organization, host nation - Russia) |
MEPhI | - Moscow Engineering Physics Institute |
MIAN | - Steklov Institute of Mathematics of Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow |
MRTI | - Moscow Radiotechnical Institute |
MSU | - Physical Department, Moscow State Univerity |
NPI MSU | - Nuclear Physics Institute of the Moscow State Univerity |
PNPI | - Konstantinov Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute of RAS |
RRC KI | - Russian Research Center "Kurchatov Institute" (Federal Research Center) |
VNIIEF | - All-Russian Research Institute of Experimental Physics, Sarov |
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